The power of meditation

Lets talk about meditation here!

I am fascinating to talk about meditation because i just started do meditation in three weeks ago. Meditation is a medium to improve my mindfulness in the greatest way. In my case meditation helps me a lot to be calm and reduces stress in my daily activity. Before we go deep into this thing i have to tell you about the meaning of meditation, even more for you all who dont know about meditation before. 
Meditation is not about becoming a better person. Its about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You are not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings, you are learning to observe them without judgment. Meditation is a mental exercises that involves relaxation, focus, and awareness. Meditation needs mindfulness and focusing on some particular objects, usually its about being awareness with your breath.

So, why you should have to do meditation everyday? Meditation has many benefits for us, either for our body or soul. So i prepared to write down about what the benefits that we will get when we do meditation. This benefits based on my experience and from others articles i read before. 

1. Reducing stress
I am a type of person who feel depressed or stress easily when i overwhelm because i have many homeworks or when i have test tomorrow. And when i just got meditation in the morning routines, i could through my activities in a whole day with calm thought and not even stress coming in my hard activity in that day. 
And there is a research in junior high school in Belgia found that the students who followed mindfulness meditation exercise have decreased of depression sympton until 6 monts later.

2. Meditation makes you happier
People who meditate generally lead happier lives than those who don’t. Scientific evidence denoted with: extensive studies were conducted on a grup of Buddhist monks as they were meditating. The prefrontal cortex of the monks’ brain (the part associated with happiness) was found to be extra active.

3. Improve memory 
Neuroscientist from Harvard found that subject who did mindfulness meditation after 8 weeks indicated there are increased of  grey matter concentration in the brain which related to analysis competence, memory, and others cognitive competences.

4. Meditation as painkiller
Wake Forest Bapti st Medical Centre did the research with 15 subjects who did meditation in the first time. The research found that subjects who did meditation more than one hour could resisted pains until 40%. Meditation can afford endurance more than morphin.

How we do meditation

After i explained about the benefits of meditation, we have to know how we do meditation so that we can get benefits from it. Its so simple and can do it everywhere as long as in a quiet place so that you can concentration well. 

1. Sit or lie comfortably. But, i prefer do meditation in sitting position and cross my legs in front of me.

2. Close your eyes. Dont worry about you hands. Some people like to form circles with their thumb and another finger, but that does not really matter.

3. Breathe naturally

4. Focus your attention on the breathe and how the body moves. But you have to relax about it. When you notice your mind has wandered, simply take a deep breath and gently return your attention to your breath.

And last but not least, meditation focuses on the moment not the result. So enjoying the moment is a key to sucessful meditation.


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